Contributing ============ Thanks for taking the time to contribute to ``aiortc``! Code of Conduct --------------- This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the `Code of Conduct`_. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report inappropriate behavior to jeremy DOT laine AT m4x DOT org. .. _Code of Conduct: Contributions ------------- Bug reports, patches and suggestions are welcome! Please open an issue_ or send a `pull request`_. Feedback about the examples or documentation are especially valuable as they make ``aiortc`` accessible to a wider audience. Code contributions *must* come with full unit test coverage. WebRTC is a complex protocol stack and ensuring correct behaviour now and in the future requires a proper investment in automated testing. .. _issue: .. _pull request: Questions --------- GitHub issues aren't a good medium for handling questions. There are better places to ask questions, for example Stack Overflow. If you want to ask a question anyway, please make sure that: - it's a question about ``aiortc`` and not about :mod:`asyncio`; - it isn't answered by the documentation; - it wasn't asked already. A good question can be written as a suggestion to improve the documentation.